Direct Streams Monitoring Event Graph

This bar graph reports the raw data for each location that was sampled as part of the monitoring event conducted on this date. To view results for individual water quality indicators, click-off other indicators in the legend at the bottom of the graph.

Event Results

Scroll down to view the event results for each monitoring location.

Location Analyte Value Remarks Location
Paines Creek Tributary Chloride 24.3 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 1.89 NTU Lab
Temperature 15.0 C Field
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 652.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 321.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Hardness, Total 352.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 1.25 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 27.7 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 32.7 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 2.06 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.58 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 1500.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 29500.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Paines Creek Mouth Temperature 13.0 C Field
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 564.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 258.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Hardness, Total 276.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 18.1 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 0.97 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 3.75 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 17.1 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 9.61 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.89 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.46 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 240.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 18500.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Paines Creek Rafferty Road Temperature 18.0 C Field
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 744.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 311.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Hardness, Total 362.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 45.7 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 3.46 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 3.0 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 47.4 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 70.5 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.01 mg/L non-detect Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.6 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 160.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 25000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Dean\s Creek Sherwood Temperature 19.0 C Field
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 547.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 238.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Hardness, Total 261.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 21.6 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 1.17 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 0.83 mg/L non-detect Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 116.0 ug/L Estimated, Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 122.0 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 1.02 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.73 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 440.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 27000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Dean\s Creek Dublin Hill Temperature 19.0 C Field
Mill Creek Atwater Rd Temperature 18.0 C Field
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 720.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 295.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Hardness, Total 360.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 31.1 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 1.12 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 0.63 mg/L non-detect Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 28.4 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 34.1 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 5.82 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.12 mg/L Result may be depressed due to high nitrate concentration Lab
E. Coli 580.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 49000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Lake Ridge Creek Temperature 20.0 C Field
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 804.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 298.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Hardness, Total 375.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 56.7 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 1.13 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 0.63 mg/L non-detect Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 140.0 ug/L Estimated, Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 284.0 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.53 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.34 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 580.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 32500.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Mill Creek Belltown Rd Temperature 18.0 C Field
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 687.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 291.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Hardness, Total 333.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 32.5 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 9.73 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 16.3 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 29.8 ug/L Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 63.3 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 2.83 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 1.32 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 580.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 41000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Dean\s Creek at 34B Temperature 18.0 C Field
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Not Certifiable Lab
Specific Conductance 1088.0 uS/cm Lab
Alkalinity 554.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Hardness, Total 483.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Chloride 32.9 mg/L Lab
Turbidity 32.1 NTU Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 17.25 mg/L Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 1500.0 ug/L Minimum, Exceeded 15 min. holding time for filtration Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 2507.0 ug/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.41 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 22.9 mg/L Lab
E. Coli 340.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Total Coliform 23500.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab