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Flow Location Date ▼ Analyte Value Tested
241 Base Flow Pony Hollow Creek @ Driveway Crossing Apr 18, 2024 Hardness, Total 25.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
242 Base Flow Pony Hollow Creek @ Driveway Crossing Apr 18, 2024 Turbidity 4.7 NTU Lab
243 Base Flow Pony Hollow Creek @ Driveway Crossing Apr 18, 2024 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.31 mg/L Lab
244 Base Flow Pony Hollow Creek @ Driveway Crossing Apr 18, 2024 Total Phosphorus (as P) 19.6 ug/L Lab
245 Base Flow Pony Hollow Creek @ Driveway Crossing Apr 18, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
246 Base Flow Pony Hollow Creek @ Driveway Crossing Apr 18, 2024 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 8.16 ug/L Lab
247 Base Flow Pony Hollow Creek @ Driveway Crossing Apr 18, 2024 Chloride 7.73 mg/L Lab
248 Base Flow Pony Hollow Creek @ Driveway Crossing Apr 18, 2024 Specific Conductance 65.3 uS/cm Lab
249 Base Flow Pony Hollow Creek @ Driveway Crossing Apr 18, 2024 Alkalinity 19.3 mg CaCO3/L Lab
250 Base Flow Chaffee Creek @ Route 13 Apr 18, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
251 Base Flow Pony Hollow Creek @ Driveway Crossing Apr 18, 2024 Temperature 9.0 C Field
252 Base Flow Pony Hollow Creek @ Cayuta Rd. Apr 18, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
253 Base Flow Chaffee Creek @ Route 13 Apr 18, 2024 Specific Conductance 90.2 uS/cm Lab
254 Base Flow Oriskany Creek @ Valley Road Apr 16, 2024 Specific Conductance 532.0 uS/cm Field
255 Base Flow Upper Oriskany @ Canal Rd Apr 16, 2024 Dissolved Oxygen 9.4 mg/L Field
256 Base Flow Big Creek @ California Rd Apr 16, 2024 Specific Conductance 511.0 uS/cm Field
257 Base Flow Upper Oriskany @ Canal Rd Apr 16, 2024 Specific Conductance 550.5 uS/cm Field
258 Base Flow Big Creek @ California Rd Apr 16, 2024 Temperature 12.6 C Field
259 Base Flow Oriskany Creek @ Valley Road Apr 16, 2024 Dissolved Oxygen 10.0 mg/L Field
260 Base Flow Upper Oriskany @ Canal Rd Apr 16, 2024 Temperature 11.4 C Field
261 Base Flow Upper Oriskany @ Canal Rd Apr 16, 2024 Hardness, Total 198.0 mg CaCO3/L Field
262 Base Flow Oriskany Creek @ Lumbard Rd Apr 16, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Field
263 Base Flow Big Creek @ California Rd Apr 16, 2024 Dissolved Oxygen 10.0 mg/L Field
264 Base Flow Oriskany Creek @ Lumbard Rd Apr 16, 2024 Specific Conductance 580.0 uS/cm Field
265 Base Flow Oriskany Creek @ Lumbard Rd Apr 16, 2024 Dissolved Oxygen 10.2 mg/L Field
266 Base Flow Big Creek @ California Rd Apr 16, 2024 Hardness, Total 220.0 mg CaCO3/L Field
267 Base Flow Oriskany Creek @ Valley Road Apr 16, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Field
268 Base Flow Big Creek @ California Rd Apr 16, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.5 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Field
269 Base Flow Oriskany Creek @ Valley Road Apr 16, 2024 Hardness, Total 216.0 mg CaCO3/L Field
270 Base Flow Oriskany Creek @ Lumbard Rd Apr 16, 2024 Temperature 12.3 C Field
271 Base Flow Upper Oriskany @ Canal Rd Apr 16, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Field
272 Base Flow Oriskany Creek @ Lumbard Rd Apr 16, 2024 Hardness, Total 244.0 mg CaCO3/L Field
273 Base Flow Oriskany Creek @ Valley Road Apr 16, 2024 Temperature 12.3 C Field
274 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Specific Conductance 477.0 uS/cm Lab
275 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Specific Conductance 387.0 uS/cm Lab
276 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Boron 0.025 mg/L Lab
277 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Turbidity 85.0 NTU Lab
278 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 Specific Conductance 486.0 uS/cm Lab
279 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 Chloride 46.5 mg/L Lab
280 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 Total Phosphorus (as P) 254.0 ug/L Lab
281 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 6.62 mg/L Lab
282 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 Turbidity 90.0 NTU Lab
283 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 Alkalinity 164.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
284 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 Hardness, Total 202.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
285 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 Solids, Total Suspended 18.0 mg/L Lab
286 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Fluoride 0.27 mg/L Lab
287 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 E. Coli 280.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
288 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Total Phosphorus (as P) 242.0 ug/L Lab
289 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Chloride 37.7 mg/L Lab
290 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 6.62 mg/L Lab
291 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Solids, Total Suspended 15.5 mg/L Lab
292 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Total Phosphorus (as P) 230.0 ug/L Lab
293 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.92 mg/L Lab
294 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Alkalinity 151.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
295 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Alkalinity 155.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
296 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 6.42 mg/L Lab
297 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 83.7 ug/L Lab
298 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 E. Coli 630.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
299 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 Specific Conductance 486.0 uS/cm Lab
300 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Turbidity 90.0 NTU Lab
301 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 E. Coli 720.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
302 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 8.08 mg/L Lab
303 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Hardness, Total 199.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
304 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Solids, Total Suspended 14.0 mg/L Lab
305 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
306 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 Turbidity 95.0 NTU Lab
307 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 Hardness, Total 203.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
308 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 Solids, Total Suspended 14.8 mg/L Lab
309 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Temperature 5.0 C Field
310 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 E. Coli 340.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
311 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 Chloride 33.6 mg/L Lab
312 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Total Phosphorus (as P) 375.0 ug/L Lab
313 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 4.02 mg/L Lab
314 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
315 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.5 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
316 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Temperature 4.0 C Field
317 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Boron 0.025 mg/L Lab
318 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Turbidity 170.0 NTU Lab
319 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 E. Coli 120.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
320 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Solids, Total Suspended 17.3 mg/L Lab
321 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 Total Phosphorus (as P) 263.0 ug/L Lab
322 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 91.5 ug/L Lab
323 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Hardness, Total 161.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
324 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Chloride 33.5 mg/L Lab
325 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Chloride 32.8 mg/L Lab
326 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Specific Conductance 485.0 uS/cm Lab
327 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Hardness, Total 193.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
328 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 Alkalinity 161.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
329 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Alkalinity 125.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
330 Stormwater Milliken Station #4 Apr 04, 2024 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 80.5 ug/L Lab
331 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 103.0 ug/L Lab
332 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 96.9 ug/L Lab
333 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Temperature 5.0 C Field
334 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 Temperature 4.0 C Field
335 Stormwater Milliken Creek #1 Apr 04, 2024 Fluoride 0.29 mg/L Lab
336 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.25 Apr 04, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
337 Stormwater Milliken Station #3 Apr 04, 2024 Temperature 4.0 C Field
338 Stormwater Milliken Station #3.5 Apr 04, 2024 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
339 Stormwater Big Stream Mouth @ Glenora Point Apr 04, 2024 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus, Field-Filtered (as P) 37.6 ug/L Lab
340 Stormwater Big Stream Mouth @ Glenora Point Apr 04, 2024 Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.99 mg/L Lab

Displaying Entry 801 - 900 of 122930 in total