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Flow Location ▲ Date Analyte Value Tested
36481 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2018 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 69.9 ug/L Lab
36482 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2018 Specific Conductance 962.0 uS/cm Lab
36483 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2018 Total Nitrogen 2.09 mg/L Lab
36484 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 30, 2017 Chloride 15.7 mg/L Lab
36485 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2018 Chloride 36.8 mg/L Lab
36486 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2018 Turbidity 9.9 NTU Lab
36487 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 30, 2017 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.5 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
36488 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 30, 2017 Specific Conductance 326.0 uS/cm Lab
36489 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 30, 2017 Alkalinity 111.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
36490 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Solids, Total Suspended 292.0 mg/L Lab
36491 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 14, 2019 Temperature 6.0 C Field
36492 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 14, 2019 Turbidity 60.1 NTU Lab
36493 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 14, 2019 Hardness, Total 243.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
36494 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Turbidity 250.0 NTU Lab
36495 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Chloride 17.6 mg/L Lab
36496 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Hardness, Total 153.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
36497 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Alkalinity 134.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
36498 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Specific Conductance 369.0 uS/cm Lab
36499 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.12 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
36500 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Temperature 11.0 C Field
36501 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 2.86 mg/L Lab
36502 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Total Phosphorus (as P) 717.0 ug/L Lab
36503 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 173.0 ug/L Lab
36504 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 14, 2019 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
36505 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 E. Coli 4400.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
36506 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 01, 2020 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 2.42 mg/L Lab
36507 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 14, 2019 Specific Conductance 621.0 uS/cm Lab
36508 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 14, 2019 Alkalinity 228.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
36509 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 14, 2019 Chloride 30.7 mg/L Lab
36510 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 12, 2021 E. Coli 375.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
36511 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jun 02, 2021 Temperature 14.0 C Field
36512 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jun 02, 2021 Alkalinity 184.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
36513 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 12, 2021 Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.112 mg/L Lab
36514 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Sep 11, 2023 Solids, Total Suspended 4.29 mg/L Lab
36515 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Sep 11, 2023 Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.78 mg/L Lab
36516 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 10, 2023 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 5.9 mg/L Lab
36517 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Dissolved Oxygen 7.1 mg/L Lab
36518 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Chloride 39.4 mg/L Lab
36519 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Sep 11, 2023 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 29.7 ug/L Lab
36520 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Sep 26, 2022 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 57.1 ug/L Lab
36521 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Sep 26, 2022 Temperature 14.0 C Field
36522 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 10, 2023 Specific Conductance 1133.0 uS/cm Lab
36523 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 10, 2023 Chloride 38.4 mg/L Lab
36524 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 10, 2023 Solids, Total Suspended 3.14 mg/L Lab
36525 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 10, 2023 Total Phosphorus (as P) 54.5 ug/L Lab
36526 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 2.1 mg/L Lab
36527 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Hardness, Total 700.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
36528 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 E. Coli 620.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
36529 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.66 mg/L Lab
36530 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Turbidity 4.3 NTU Lab
36531 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Specific Conductance 1175.0 uS/cm Lab
36532 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Total Phosphorus (as P) 27.8 ug/L Lab
36533 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.75 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
36534 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Sep 11, 2023 Specific Conductance 1411.0 uS/cm Lab
36535 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Sep 11, 2023 Turbidity 5.9 NTU Lab
36536 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Sep 11, 2023 Total Phosphorus (as P) 68.0 ug/L Lab
36537 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Sep 11, 2023 E. Coli 500.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
36538 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 10, 2023 E. Coli 600.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
36539 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 5.8 ug/L Lab
36540 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Sep 11, 2023 Chloride 37.7 mg/L Lab
36541 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 14, 2022 Solids, Total Suspended 5.2 mg/L Lab
36542 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Sep 11, 2023 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 1.21 mg/L Lab
36543 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 09, 2017 Total Coliform 31000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
36544 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 09, 2017 Hardness, Total 914.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
36545 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2018 Total Coliform 8300.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
36546 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 30, 2018 Total Nitrogen 7.19 mg/L Lab
36547 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 09, 2017 Chloride 34.7 mg/L Lab
36548 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 09, 2017 Turbidity 9.0 NTU Lab
36549 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 09, 2017 Solids, Total Suspended 2.75 mg/L Lab
36550 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 09, 2017 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 88.2 ug/L Lab
36551 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 09, 2017 Total Phosphorus (as P) 128.0 ug/L Lab
36552 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 09, 2017 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 2.25 mg/L Lab
36553 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 09, 2017 E. Coli 6190.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
36554 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Solids, Total Suspended 2.72 mg/L Lab
36555 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 22, 2023 Alkalinity 268.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
36556 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jun 02, 2021 Specific Conductance 956.0 uS/cm Lab
36557 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Specific Conductance 1309.0 uS/cm Lab
36558 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jun 02, 2021 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 8.47 ug/L Lab
36559 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 1.59 mg/L Lab
36560 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 E. Coli 240.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
36561 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Dissolved Oxygen 6.9 mg/L Lab
36562 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Total Phosphorus (as P) 63.0 ug/L Lab
36563 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Solids, Total Suspended 4.0 mg/L Lab
36564 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Hardness, Total 747.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
36565 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.16 mg/L Lab
36566 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Alkalinity 300.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
36567 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 14, 2021 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 63.3 ug/L Lab
36568 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Temperature 14.0 C Field
36569 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Chloride 44.5 mg/L Lab
36570 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 14, 2021 Chloride 50.6 mg/L Lab
36571 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Turbidity 5.1 NTU Lab
36572 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 14, 2022 Chloride 55.8 mg/L Lab
36573 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 14, 2021 Temperature 20.0 C Field
36574 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 14, 2022 Specific Conductance 821.0 uS/cm Lab
36575 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 12, 2021 Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 48.0 ug/L Lab
36576 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Oct 12, 2021 Dissolved Oxygen 7.5 mg/L Lab
36577 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth Jul 14, 2022 Turbidity 6.9 NTU Lab
36578 Base Flow Yawger Creek Mouth May 23, 2022 Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.75 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Lab
36579 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 14, 2019 Total Nitrogen 2.77 mg/L Lab
36580 Stormwater Yawger Creek Mouth May 14, 2019 E. Coli 5667.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab

Displaying Entry 121601 - 121700 of 123076 in total