Stewart Park Monitoring Event Graph
Created with Highcharts 9.3.2TemperatureSolids, Total SuspendedSoluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P)Total Phosphorus (as P)Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N)Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N)Hydrogen Ion (pH)Specific ConductanceAlkalinityHardness, TotalChlorideTurbidityDissolved OxygenE. ColiTotal ColiformVisitor\s CenterCayuga Lake ShoreSanctuary StreamFall Creek Mouth010k20k30k

This bar graph reports the raw data for each location that was sampled as part of the monitoring event conducted on this date. To view results for individual water quality indicators, click-off other indicators in the legend at the bottom of the graph.

Event Results

Scroll down to view the event results for each monitoring location.

Location Analyte Value Units Remarks Location
Fall Creek Mouth
Turbidity 7.0 NTU Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 41.2 ug/L Lab
Total Coliform 11500.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Temperature 22.0 C Field
Specific Conductance 367.0 uS/cm Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 31.4 ug/L Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 6.25 mg/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.17 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.46 mg/L Lab
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.0 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Field
Hardness, Total 157.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
E. Coli 80.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Dissolved Oxygen 9.2 mg/L Field
Chloride 36.0 mg/L Lab
Alkalinity 210.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Sanctuary Stream
Turbidity 5.0 NTU Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 119.0 ug/L Lab
Total Coliform 23000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Temperature 25.0 C Field
Specific Conductance 674.0 uS/cm Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 82.7 ug/L Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 3.75 mg/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.23 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.92 mg/L Lab
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 7.25 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Field
Hardness, Total 190.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
E. Coli 380.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Dissolved Oxygen 4.2 mg/L Field
Chloride 109.0 mg/L Lab
Alkalinity 166.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Cayuga Lake Shore
Turbidity 4.0 NTU Lab
Total Phosphorus (as P) 36.6 ug/L Lab
Total Coliform 10000.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Temperature 24.0 C Field
Specific Conductance 416.0 uS/cm Lab
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 12.2 ug/L Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 14.8 mg/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.77 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.57 mg/L Lab
Hydrogen Ion (pH) 8.5 Unitless (negative logarithm of H ion concentration) Field
Hardness, Total 141.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
E. Coli 60.0 Colonies/100 ml Lab
Dissolved Oxygen 12.1 mg/L Field
Chloride 62.0 mg/L Lab
Alkalinity 103.0 mg CaCO3/L Lab
Visitor\s Center
Total Phosphorus (as P) 109.0 ug/L Lab
Temperature 16.0 C Field
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 80.9 ug/L Lab
Solids, Total Suspended 2.75 mg/L Lab
Nitrate-+Nitrite-Nitrogen (as N) 0.23 mg/L Lab
Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (as N) 0.68 mg/L Lab